Turk Loydu SMC Certification for the Sanmar Tugs
Sanmar Denizcilik has been certificated within the scope of IMO ISM Code. Sanmar Denizcilik, one of the significant tug producers and operators of the world was certificated within the scope of IMO International Safe Management Code by Türk Loydu, the "Classification and Compliance Assessment Entity" of Turkey in order to achieve international standards in the services they offer.
Sanmar Denizcilik who sustains its activities of Tug and Guidance within the administrative boundary of 7 separate Port Authorities in Turkey and in 3 separate countries abroad added ISM System in its existing quality standards of its young and modern tug fleet below the age of 3 with world standards. Sanmar preferred Türk Loydu for application of ISM standards on all tugs and personnel “voluntarily” despite having all international standards.
Sanmar Denizcilik concluded the studies started last year in order to be able to fulfill the requirements of International Safety Management (ISM) Certificate within its head office and was entitled to be granted ISM Certificate certificated by Türk Loydu on 27th December 2017.
The basis of ISM Certificate covers determination of international safety standards in vessel operation, providing safe management and operation of vessels and thus preventing environmental pollution that may arise from the accidents that may happen. Other purposes of ISM Certificate include providing safety in the seas, preventing death and personal injury, protecting the environment, particularly the sea and its vicinity and costal buildings against damages.
ISM Certificate which could be considered as a significant tool in vessel operation and environment protection is included in the documents defined by IMO as mandatory to be received by all cargo and passenger vessels over 500 gross tons operating in international waters regardless of their flags. All passenger vessels, tankers carrying petrol and chemical substances, bulk cargo vessels, tankers operating with liquid gas and high speed cargo vessels over 500 gross tons have to receive 'ISM Certificate'.
Although it is not mandatory to receive this certificate since the tugs in the fleet of Sanmar Denizcilik are below 500 grt, Sanmar Denizcilik received voluntary ISM Certificate for providing a service at world standards to the customers and for protecting the environment. Furthermore it plans to conclude its works under audit by Türk Loydu for being entitled for Safe Management Certificate (SMC) on February 2018 together with the Document of Conformity (DOC) received.